To Things That Fall Over Alumni, from Rebecca Clode, Lecturer at ANU


August 6, 2016 by wandalusst

Hello there. This is a message to all those who worked on TTFO or have worked with Peta Murray in any capacity over the years. I am putting together a nomination for Peta, for a playwriting award, and I would like to include some quotes from people who have worked with her. I’d particularly love brief statements about the impact Peta Murray’s work has had upon you as an individual and or an artist. I also welcome more general comments upon what your overall experience of working with Peta was like, or what you gained from it! You can email me directly at

2 thoughts on “To Things That Fall Over Alumni, from Rebecca Clode, Lecturer at ANU

  1. Annie says:

    Hi Rebecca, your email address appears not to be complete. Could you repeat it please?

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TTFO, Things That Fall Over, concerning the creative development of an (anti-) musical of a novel inside a reading of a play, with footnotes, and oratorio-as-coda.